We have a dedicated, passionate, highly trained team who care about all the children in our nursery, and work hard to ensure each child reaches their potential and is ready to start school.
The nursery is run by the childcare manager, supported by two deputy managers, one supervisor and nine qualified childcare staff.
Each child has a designated a key person who works closely with them and their family and monitors their progress.
Some of the team work part time or have flexible working hours so they can extend their hours to cover sickness and holidays to ensure continuity of care.
We also train students from Darlington College and welcome work experience pupils from local schools.
All staff have first aid training which is updated regularly.
Staff/child ratios are always maintained, whether we are in nursery, outside or on a trip. Special attention is given to ratios when considering those children with additional needs.
We work with other professionals including health visitors, speech therapists, paediatricians, physiotherapists and the local authority's inclusion team to ensure the children in our care are healthy, supported and protected.